**Updated ​March 30, 2021**Hi y'all, and happy 2021! This has already been a wild year, but I wanted y'all to know that the Ultimate Guide to COVID Weddings in Seattle is LIVE! I wrote this guide with ...

Header photo by Ariena PhotographyWhat a year, huh? 2020 has been WILD. I could focus on all the difficulties: my first season farming on this land, flooding, a global pandemic, wedding postponements, a broken arm, and travel ...

I am a farmer-florist and I have the coolest job EVER. But when you are searching for wedding flowers, you might see a wide variety of terms thrown around: wedding florist, floral designer, farmer-florist, or flower farm. ...

This is sort of a "Wedding Flowers 101" post, the last of the original series! Wedding stress affected all couples more than usual this year. COVID wrecked basically everyone's 2020 plans, especially wedding plans. It has been ...

This summer, I was able to work with a great couple who wanted to elope "in the mountains." When looking for a location, they initially were willing to hike, but ​later realized they wanted their parents to ...

​The last week has seen an ​explosion ​of rudbeckia hirta on the farm! (Along with dahlias - but that's a different post!) I had never really ​grown these until this year, when I planted 100 feet of them. ​I ...